Hey I'm Carlo

I'm a Frontend Software Developer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more

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Here are some of my projects

  • NYC Happy Hour Bar Directory

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Git, Firebase

    I gathered data from numerous bars across New York City that offer fantastic happy hour deals. I've converted this data into a user-friendly directory that necessitates account creation. This directory displays the opening hours of bars, highlights their special offers, and utilizes Google's Maps API to pinpoint each bar's exact location within NYC. To date, we have over 100 registered users enjoying this resource.

  • NFT Marketplace

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Git

    My internship final project that allows users have the freedom to explore various NFTs and creators, showcasing comprehensive details like pricing, follower statistics, and the option to filter based on various criteria. Solidified my knowledge on version control such as Git and the process of branching and merging.

  • Movie Search Engine

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

    This project calls an api, OMDB, and allows you to search any movie, and it will return the first eight movies that include the key word searched. Originally created solely with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but I wanted to showcase my abilities with React.

  • Library Ecommerce Website

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

    This project is a simple eccommerce website that sells books. This uses a lot of logic used in calling apis, although the actual data is not from an api. Everything is fully functional, the only part that is not is the final checkout.